How to use file paths/names instead of UUID in links

Hello, I have a page (academic CV) with over a hundred links to pdfs. I want to use the file names and paths in the links (ie a normal-looking link) instead of Kirby’s unique id. This would be more user-friendly and seo-friendly. Is there a way to change this in the config? I saw an option to opt-out of using UUIDs on the site config, but not sure what implications this has. Especially since I’ve already created most of the site.

Ah – thank you! this looks like what I need. I feel like this should be more prominently documented. The file-id-based links seem undesirable in many contexts.

Just a note for anyone else looking at this. It also works for writer fields. In a template:

<?= $page->myWriterField()->permalinksToUrls() ?>