Hey, welcome to our forum.
You need a custom API endpoint that returns the rendered HTML from the given field. Is there a particular reason you are using a textarea field inside blocks?
Here’s an example route that returns the rendered HTML for the given text:
'api' => [
'routes' => [
'pattern' => 'getRenderedText/pages/(:all)',
'language' => '*',
'method' => 'POST',
'action' => function ($id) {
$id = str_replace('+', '/', $id);
$page = kirby()->page($id);
$text = $this->requestBody('text');
$field = new Kirby\Cms\Field($page, 'inhalt', $text);
$data = [
'text' => $field->kt(),
'id' => $id,
'page' => $page->url()
return $data;
Here is the corresponding Vue part where the route is used:
<div @dblclick="open">
<div v-if="text">
<div class="content-wrapper" v-html="renderedText"/>
<div v-else>
No content yet
export default {
data() {
return {
renderedText: {},
created() {
methods: {
kt() {
const data = {
text: this.text,
.post('getRenderedText/' + this.$attrs.endpoints.model, data)
.then(data => {
this.renderedText = data.text.value;
computed: {
text() {
return this.content.inhalt || '';
watch: {
"text": {
handler (text) {
const data = {
text: this.text,
.post('getRenderedText/' + this.$attrs.endpoints.model, data)
.then(data => {
this.renderedText = data.text.value;
immediate: true
Hope it helps.
(Note that this is just something that I got to work somehow, so probably not the most intelligent Vue code under the sun)