panelBar 2 – like an old friend you haven't seen in years!

Thought I had all of them covered, but looks like I was wrong. The root of this problem is, that panelBar needs to create a $panel instance in a very hackish way. And sadly Kirby and Panel use the same class name of different classes which then collide when not loaded in the right order. I opened up an issue:

Great! If it helps at all, the site also has the Uniform plugin, CacheBuster and the Gallery custom field installed.

No, the PHP version should not be the problem. Quite the opposite, PHP 7 is good. I think it’s caused by your browserSync proxying.

Just for others to know as well: I just pushed an update to the develop branch, which seems to fix this error (


Can you give me a little context? Is that on your live server, on a local server (if so with what url, proxy, etc are you running it)? Thanks.

EDIT: I’m getting the feeling it could be another multilang issue as well.


It’s a live server - but I can’t tell You the URL at this time. PHP7, nothing special. (
At this moment, the Kirby installation runs in a subfolder “http://domain.url/kirby/” Maybe a problem?

Could you look in your Browser console. There should be an error since the FontAwesome icon font files are not loaded. It would be interesting to see from which URL it tries to load them.