String content search
In the panel I would like a string content search. That means search for a string inside the pages.
Search for the string “basic
” would match a word in this content, as well as “ic tit
” (part of the title)
title: A basic title
Just some awesome text
How it would work
Now I use Sublime Text 2 on localhost to search my content for strings. I think it could work almost the same way.
Important things in the search result
- Hightlight the string match in the content.
- Show what URI the found string is on, like (
) with a clickable link to edit that page. - If the highlight is not clear enough, show the field key where the content is found.
Not so important things
- Design. It does not have to be beautiful. Only function and usability is important.
- It doesn’t even need to parse the content, not for me anyway. Just find what I search for and point me right.
What about keys in search?
Should keys be in the search result? I don’t know. If the content is parsed by the search engine it could be optional to search keys as well?
Case sensitive could also be a good option.
What about scope
Large sites. Searching through all the pages would probably take some time. I don’t think it’s a big problem, maybe warn if the pages are > 1000 or something? or suit yourself, when knowing the risk.
Another thing could be to narrow the result by only searching through children in a parent page. Then the whole site don’t need to be searched.
As a plugin
If this is an unwanted feature, is it possible to make is as a plugin with Kirby of Today?