Panel search and virtual pages

We’ve got a Kirby site that integrates a SQLite database with addresses in the panel using virtual pages. The panel integration works well, everything is displayed as expected. But I noticed two things:

  1. The site index is slow.
  2. The global panel search is unresponsive when searching a page.

I noticed that the search requests were taking very, very long. After waiting for a while, finally there were results shown but I noticed that those included results from the database. I didn’t expect that.

So I have two questions:

  1. How can I make sure that Kirby doesn’t try to grab my entire database to create a page index?
  2. How can I make my virtual page searchable (which would be very helpful) without compromising performance?

Here are the models used to create the virtual pages:



class PlacesPage extends Page
    public function children()
        $places = [];
        foreach (range('A', 'Z') as $letter) {
            $places[] = [
                'slug' => strtolower($letter),
                'num' => 0,
                'template' => 'streets',
                'model' => 'streets',
                'content' => [
                    'title' => 'Straßenindex ' . $letter

        return Pages::factory($places, $this);



class StreetsPage extends Page
    public function children()
        $database = new Database([
            'type' => 'sqlite',
            'database' => kirby()->root('site') . '/data/addresses.sqlite',

        $collection = $database->query(
            'SELECT DISTINCT street FROM addresses
                WHERE street LIKE :letter
                LIMIT 500
                ':letter' => $this->slug() . '%',

        $streets = [];
        foreach ($collection->sortBy('street', 'asc') as $name) {
            $streets[] = [
                'slug' => Str::slug($name->street()),
                'num' => 0,
                'template' => 'street',
                'model' => 'street',
                'content' => [
                    'title' => $name->street(),

        return Pages::factory($streets, $this);



class StreetPage extends Page
    public function children()
        $database = new Database([
            'type' => 'sqlite',
            'database' => kirby()->root('site') . '/data/addresses.sqlite'

        $collection = $database->query(
            'SELECT * FROM addresses
                WHERE street LIKE :street
                LIMIT 500
                ':street' => $this->title()

        $places = [];
        foreach ($collection->sortBy('housenumber', 'asc') as $place) {
            $places[] = [
                'slug' => $place->id(),
                'num' => 0,
                'template' => 'place',
                'model' => 'place',
                'content' => [
                    'title' => $place->street() . ' ' . $place->housenumber(),
                    'street' => $place->street(),
                    'housenumber' => $place->housenumber(),
                    'postcode' => $place->postcode(),
                    'city' => $place->city(),
                    'name' => $place->name(),
                    'osm' => $place->id(),
                    'longitude' => $place->longitude(),
                    'latitude' => $place->latitude()

        return Pages::factory($places, $this);

These are the search results that popped up after a while. Each result is a virtual page. I don’t know why those results are though, because they don’t correspond to the search term (which is actually a streetname available in the database):

did you find a solution to this? i am having similar problems…

Yes, we’ve added this to our main page model:

     * Make sure streets are not added to the main index for performance reasons.
    public function index(bool $drafts = false)
        $index = new Pages([], $this->parent);

        return $this->index = $index;

You’ll need a custom search component, if you need your virtual pages to be searched.