Panel not accessible on the server

Hi there,
on the server the panel is unfortunately not accessible, locally everything is fine.

Object not found! The requested URL could not be found on the server.

I adapted the config .php:
c::set(‘panel.install’, true);
and added the license key

any ideas?
Thanks and greetings,

This sounds like a missing .htacess file. Please ensure you uploaded everything successfully, including files that start with a dot… these are hidden on a Mac file system. You may need to set your FTP program to show invisible/hidden files.

Are subpages accessible?

yes they are.
The .htacess file was the solution, the panel is reachable again. Thank you!

Hello, unfortunately same problem again. I uploaded the project to the client server, with .htaccess file and the panel is not displayed again.
on my testserver it works fine:

Did I miss something?

Hm, a blank page without any error message. Could you either enable debugging or check the server and PHP error logs?

Edit: Looks as if the .htaccess file is ignored. Try and put any random characters in there. You should get an error when opening the page. If not, it is ignored and you would have to change the server settings to allow overwriting server settings through your .htaccess.

Thanks texnixe!

That was actually the problem, but now I get this error message: This is the same .htaccess as on my test server

Maybe you have to set the RewriteBase on the remote server

RewriteBase /

Yes!! Thank you!