Panel breaks on multi-site setup with per-site accounts

I’m trying to set up a multi-site configuration as described in the Customized Folder Setup page.

I’m able to create site-specific panel accounts, but when I log in, I get this page:

Interestingly, hotlinking to a specific page works. e.g. http://starterkit.test/panel/#/pages/show/about/p:1

Steps to replicate:

  1. Download Starterkit 2.1.1 from
  2. Create site.php in root folder. (See contents below)
  3. Move folders around to replicate the structure laid out in site.php
    • /assets/avatars becomes /assets/avatars/starterkit.test
    • /content becomes /content/starterkit.test
    • /site/accounts becomes /site/accounts/starterkit.test
    • /thumbs/ becomes /thumbs/starterkit.test

Contents of site.php:

// /site.php

$kirby   = kirby();
$domain  = server::get('server_name');
$domains = array('starterkit.test');

if(in_array($domain, $domains)) {

  // custom roots
  $kirby->roots->accounts    = __DIR__ . DS . 'site' . DS . 'accounts' . DS . $domain;
  $kirby->roots->content = __DIR__ . DS . 'content' . DS . $domain;
  $kirby->roots->avatars = __DIR__ . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'avatars' . DS . $domain;
  $kirby->roots->thumbs  = __DIR__ . DS . 'thumbs' . DS . $domain;

  // custom urls
  $kirby->urls->index    = url::scheme() . '://' . $domain;
  $kirby->urls->content  = $kirby->urls->index . '/content/' . $domain;
  $kirby->urls->avatars  = $kirby->urls->index . '/assets/avatars/' . $domain;
  $kirby->urls->thumbs   = $kirby->urls->index . '/thumbs/' . $domain;


Turns out this was an error in my PHP setup – i didn’t have the ctype extension enabled. (PHP 5.4)