Panel Area Plugin: Vue is not defined?

I’m currently building a panel area plugin, which uses tailwind ui and some more components, which i imported into my Vue view:

import { Disclosure, DisclosureButton, DisclosurePanel, Menu, MenuButton, MenuItem, MenuItems } from '@headlessui/vue'

There is no error when compiling. But when loading the page, an error occurs on the javascript console:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Vue is not defined

Why is Vue not defined, and what can i do?

Same here.

@distantnative is there a way to reuse these Modules in customised plugins?
Something like:

import { autofocus, disabled, id, required } from "@/mixins/props.js";
import { required as validateRequired } from "vuelidate/lib/validators";

I’m afraid I’m not aware of a way currently.

Let me explain what I intend to do. I want to extend the toggles field for my custom field.
I could inherit k-toggles-field:

// I want this:
import { picker as ThemePickerInput } from "./ThemePickerInput.vue";
// instead of:
import { props as TogglesInput } from "../Input/TogglesInput.vue";

export default {
	extends: 'k-toggles-field',

Without the import, i could put the whole template from k-toggles-input in here, but then i have no access to module mentioned in the last post.

If i inherit the k-toggles-input i have access to that modules. But the field props are be missing.

Any ideas?

What is ThemePickerInput?

It’s my custom field component that will inherit the toggleInput. If you say, that, once the panel vue component is sealed and we cannot import any modules anymore gives me this as an answer.

For does people that are landing on this post it a good try to use the extends: 'k-foo-fields'* statement.

*With foo i mean your UI Component you like to work with.

So you should put that line: extends: 'k-toggles-field'
into your ThemePickerInput.vue

Thats what i’ve done now. But without vuevalidate, the $t variable is missing and i’m not able to make a proper validation. Afterwards i can’t import the vuevalidate component here, can i?

But anyway, i found a solution.
Thank you.
…and also for your great work on kirby. :raised_hands: