By using the built-in Kirby pagination, the current URL is extended by “page; 2” or “page; 3”. Example: The URL https: //kirby.fantastic-asia.local/Individualreisen becomes https: //kirby.fantastic-asia.local/Individualreisen/page; 2. I want the ‘/page;2’ to go away. The last parameter looks to me like a GET that is simply appended to the URL. Therefore I have created the following routes in the config. php:
'routes' =>
'pattern' => 'Individual trips /? page; = (: num)',
'action' => function ($ page) {
go ('Individual Travel /'.$ page);
'pattern' => 'Individual trips / (: num)',
'action' => function ($ page) {
$ _GET ['page'] = $ page;
return site () -> visit (page ('Individual Travel'));
Unfortunately I don’t seem to meet the search pattern ‘Individualreisen /? Page; = (: num)’. Can anybody help me further?
Best regards