Pagination in Kirby 3 problem, Call to undefined method

Trying to implement a pagination menu in a Kirby 3 project, but I get the error:

Call to undefined method

My code looks like this:

// controller file
return function ($page, $site, $kirby) {
// ... some code getting an array of products from ElasticSearch index ($results)

  $collection = new Kirby\Toolkit\Collection($results);
  $products = $collection->paginate(35);
  $pagination = $products->pagination();

  return [
    'results' => $results,
    'products' => $products,
    'pagination' => $pagination,
    'query' => $query

And then the template

// template-file.php

<nav class="c-pagination">
  <?php if($pagination->hasPrevPage()): ?>
  <a class="c-pagination__page-link" href="<?php echo $pagination->prevPageURL() ?>">
    <svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xml:space="preserve" width="16" height="16"><g class="nc-icon-wrapper"><polygon class="c-pagination__icon-color" points="6.7,14.7 8.1,13.3 3.8,9 16,9 16,7 3.8,7 8.1,2.7 6.7,1.3 0,8 "></polygon></g></svg>
  <?php else: ?>
  <?php endif ?>
  <ul class="c-pagination__pages-nr-list">
    <?php foreach($pagination->range(10) as $r): ?>
    <li class="c-pagination__page-nr">
      <a class="c-pagination__page-link <?php if($pagination->page() == $r) { echo ' is-active'; } ?>" href="<?php echo $pagination->pageURL($r) ?>">
        <span><?php echo $r ?></span>
    <?php endforeach ?>

  <?php if($pagination->hasNextPage()): ?>
  <a class="c-pagination__page-link" href="<?php echo $pagination->nextPageURL() ?>">
    <svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xml:space="preserve" width="16" height="16"><g class="nc-icon-wrapper"><polygon class="c-pagination__icon-color" points="9.3,1.3 7.9,2.7 12.2,7 0,7 0,9 12.2,9 7.9,13.3 9.3,14.7 16,8 "></polygon></g></svg>
  <?php else: ?>
  <?php endif ?>
</nav><!-- END .c-pagination -->

It worked fine in my Kirby 2 project. Is it a bug in Kirby 3 or am I doing something wrong?

This is probably because you create a Kirby\Toolkit\Collection and hence a toolkit pagination object that doesn’t have a pageUrl method; only the Kirby\Cms\Pagination class has this. Should be fixed when the collection bug is fixed.

OK, thanks texnixe for the info.