Hi! i’m trying to figure this out @.@ I moved my site from folder A to B, and then reinstalled it on A
Some pages show the error message but I can still access the panel
This one is working (A): http://aduarte.io/Felicidad
This one not (B) http://dev.aduarte.io/Felicidad
can anyone helpme please?
Could you please post your work.php snippet?
Hi Sonja, here it is, thanks!
<ul class="work">
<?php foreach ($projects as $project): ?>
<a href="<?= $project->url() ?>">
<?php if ($project->thumbtype()== image): ?>
<?php if($image = $project->thumbimage()->toFile()): ?>
<img src="<?= $image->url() ?>" alt="">
<?php endif ?>
<?php elseif ($project->thumbtype()== video): ?>
<?php if($video = $project->thumbvideo()->toFile()): ?>
<video width="100%" autoplay loop muted>
<source src="<?= $video->url() ?>" type="<?= $video->mime() ?>">
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif?>
<div class="projectInfo">
<h4><?= $project-> title()?></h4>
<h5><?= $project-> year()?></h5>
<div class="keywords">
<?php foreach ($project->keywords()->split() as $keyword): ?>
<span><?= $keyword ?></span>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
There are some quotes missing around image
, therefore the error you get, same with video
further down.
Thanks Sonja! Sorry the basic mistake
But I’m still confused, the copy a made here works fine.
Any idea why?
thanks a lot again!
Maybe debugging is off on that site? Or a different error level setting.
I’ll check, thanks again!