Page Section: table layout tags not displayed correctly when using a custom separator

I tried setting the same separator for the column but it doesn’t work. I’m using a semicolon as my values need a comma between City and Country.

        type: tags
        separator: ;


Is this even possible?

Check out this link, you might find what you’re looking for here:

The query language doesn’t seem to work for columns:

    type: tags
      type: query
      query: page.location.split(";")

This doesn’t show anything.

What does the code look like in your template?
The tags must be rendered in the template to be displayed.
Also, make sure you name “location” correctly in the template.
You can find examples at the bottom of the page:

If you have never worked with tags before, work with the examples from the reference page to get a better understanding of them.

@GB_DESIGN The TO is asking about the preview of the tags field in a pages section with table layout when you use a different separator than the standard comma…

Thank you for the correction. I have misinterpreted the question. I can now see from the screenshot that it is the panel and not the frontend.

I’m assuming this is a bug/missing feature?