Hi and welcome to the Kirby forum. Could you please explain in what way your question is related to Kirby? Are you using this code in a Kirby Starterkit? If so, where?
Unlike Google iframes (calendar and map), an OpenStreetMap-
The same iframe does work perfectly, however, if I use it in a simple
html file, both locally and on our server.
Here’s the iframe:
Is its stubbornness related to Kirby or rather to OpenStreetMap?
[ In January 2016, as a bloody html&css let alone php or js beginner, I
compared Kirby to Joomla, Wordpress, Typo3, Drupal, Contao, Redaxo, and
what not. There’s nothing as manageable as Kirby for our needs. Daily
fun to work with.]
I can’t reproduce this, it certainly has nothing to do with Kirby nor with OSM, if I put that snippet into the home template of a Starterkit, everything’s fine:
If you ever run into a problem like this again, check your dev console:
[blocked] The page at about:blank was not allowed to display insecure content from http://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=10.970685482025146%2C49.5968664515866%2C10.98160743713379%2C49.603138573344914&layer=mapnik&marker=49.60000261331038%2C10.976146459579468.
and use // instead of the protocol, when including content from other sites.