I try to integrate videos on my website I installed the Oembed plugin that looks very usefull.
But after a first test I only have the play button in full size :
Hello and thanks for your answer,
Is assumed to use ->oembed() on an url field. For the example, the author use featured_video() but mine is url(), I don’t think the problem came form here, isn’t it?
hm, do you think ?
I change to “urlvideo” : <?php echo $section->urlvideo()->oembed(); ?>
and my blueprints file looks like that (I use builder plugin) :
label: Video
label: Paste your video url here
type: url
icon: video-camera
video is another reserved word, by the way. You need to be careful with these … Could you test if the problem persists outside of a builder field? In my test in a starter kit with a normal url field, the plugin works alright …
It seems to grab a video thumb though. Could you check if the URL that is used as a background-image in the thumb div points to the correct thumb image?
Looks like you are using an invalid video url, the one I can see in your screenshot leads to a page rather than a video, so it does not work? if I use the same URL, I get the same result as you do. Pls. test with another video url