Oembed ideas / issues and questions

I am new to kirby and I am playing around with the oembed plugin to create a full screen video page and a portfolio.
I love it already and so far I managed to create the according template fields for selecting and previewing the embedded file in the backend and to get my template to display the cover of the vimeo video. But only the cover with an empty link, but no video and no clue why it doesn´t work. Maybe someone can point me to the right direction?

I am using <?php echo $page->featured_video()->oembed() ?> in the template file.

I am also trying to use the autoplay and other functions from the backend or a
’ play on reveal’ function / when a video appears in the viewport and stops, when it leaves the viewport.
Here I am also stuck a bit, maybe one of you has some suggestions.

I think Kirby is a great CMS to achieve a similar functionality of longform story telling platforms like Atavist, or Aesop Story engine for wordpress, or Pageflow etc. but much easier and flexible.

Many thanks in advance

Hi @carstenh, I just tested the plugin but got another issue. Could you post your code for testing please, i.e. blueprint and content?

Thanks texnixe, it is:

since it is going to be a fullscreen video page the template is super simple and the snippets contain standard header menu and footer

<?php snippet('header') ?>
	<div class="fs-video-wrapper"><?php echo $page->featured_video()->oembed() ?></div>
<?php snippet('footer') ?>

And the blueprint

title: Fullscreen Intro
  pages: true
  files: true
    label: Title
    type:  text
    label: Video title
    type:  text
    label: Video description
    type: text
    label: Video links to
    type: url
    label: Featured video
    type: oembed
    preview: true
    info: true
    cheatsheet: true
    height: 250px
    label: Autoplay
    type: checkbox
    text: Autoplay Video?

Quick note, it all works fine when I set lazyvideo to false, so the issue seems to be the underlying link of the preview image which starts the video

<div class="fs-video-wrapper"><?php echo $page->featured_video()->oembed(['lazyvideo' => false ]) ?></div>

Could you create an issue in the plugins’ GitHub issues, so that @distantnative can look into this?

Done. And many thanks for the quick replies.
