Newsletter integration or plugin with Kirby?

Hi everyone,

meanwhile, I obviously found an accessible theme, so I’m looking forward to start building. In future I would like to provide a newsletter. Is there a Kirby-Plugin for handling newsletter-management, or a document, explaining how to integrate an external newsletter-provider in Kirby? If possible, I would prefer a plugin, because the user-data would remain in my responsibility.

Thanks and best.


I would suggest using a tool like EmailOctopus (whish is one i would recommend due to good service and generous free pricing ier) which can handle the newsletter creation and sending for you.

You would need a form on the website that sends the submission through which ever service you choose using their API. From there youc an use the tools withing EmailOctopus (or which ever service you choose) to create the newsletter content and send it out to the users on the list.

Out of curiousty, which theme did you pick?

MailCoach by Spatie has decent pricing, an easy-to-use API from which you can send Markdown or HTML to MailCoach via a custom view button etc. There’s much potential in this, and I’m currently working on a solution for our Kosmos Newsletter, but no plugin or any presentable code yet.

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will check mailoctopus. Thanks. My theme very probably will be Zero One. The documentation is phantastic, it has everything I need and we had a very friendly and uncomplicated communication.

Hi Michael,

I also rushed through Alexander Klein | Zero One Kirby CMS theme personal website demo and had some really strange output on the slideshow links (after My Work heading on the page) with VoiceOver on iOS.

And the very beginning of the page (after “Hello, my name is Alexander and I am”) there’s an animated heading that isn’t pronounced at all. So, I recommend avoiding this component at all since it’s programmed in a wrong way.


In any case - don’t forget to setup a subdomain for sending newsletter. We are also using Mailcoach and are quite happy with the results.

Hi all,

thanks a lot for all suggestions and tipps. I checked some of the newsletter-resources and I think, there will be a good solution for my project. As soon as zero one is out in new version, I will start building my site.

Thanks and best regards


Hi Andreas,

I probably won’t use slide-shows on my site. But definitely, this feature should be accessible. I will send an E-Mail to Branko. He is very open for accessibility.