📺 New Screencast: Building menus

In today’s video we are looking at multiple ways to build menus. We start with a simple main menu and extend it to a fully recursive tree menu.

This video is also showing you how to use the pages field to add additional menus to your footer or other areas of your site. Finally, we clean it up nicely in the panel by adding tabs to the site.yml to find a neat space for your site settings.


:clap: Another great and informative video.
There’s always something new to discover.

Small note:
:headphones: The sound only comes from the right channel.

Unfortunately, something seems to have gone wrong during recording. I was thinking about re-uploading the video but it’s a lot of work and Youtube won’t allow to replace an existing video. I would need to create an entirely new one with a new URL. Not sure if it is worth it.

I don’t think a re-upload or even a new link is necessary.
Since your videocasts only contain speech, it might be an advantage to record in mono only.