Nested fields in blocks

I am using new blocks feature of kirby 3.5. And I want to nest element .
for example

   <div class="left-number">1</div>
   <div class="right-content">
         <h3>Fill  details</h3>
         <p>Fill in your </p>

Is there any way to implement it?

You can set up a custom block with a structure field

Please can you share any example of it

There is no particular example, but this button example from the docs:

But as you can see, you are totally free to use any field types Kirby has inside such a block.

There’s also a new recipe that takes you all the steps of building your own custom block types.

Note that you don’t need the build process described there.

I have created simple blocks field and using ‘<?= $page->myBlocksField()->toBlocks() ?>’ this code to render it in template but it is not working.

    label: Blocks
    type: blocks

Also tried with below:

<?php foreach ($page->myBlocksField()->toBlocks() as $block): ?>

    <div id="<?= $block->id() ?>" class="block block-type-<?= $block->type() ?>">

    <?= $block() ?>


    <?php endforeach ?>

What exactly does that mean? No output? Errors?