Hi, I have a multilingual site.
I register users on the frontend.
I followed the docs: User registration | Kirby CMS
It all works great.
Within the controller I set the language dynamically based on where the user registers ('language' => kirby()->language()->code(),
The emails get send in the corresponding language.
There’s one template I am not able to serve in the correct language.
It’s immediately displayed after sending the registration form:
It only displays in the main language.
In my opinion this template should be served in the email’s associated panel language. Like the emails.
It’s not a big thing, but I believe this to be either a bug, or something that was maybe forgotten on the way.
Since I am rather new to kirby I migth as well be missing something.
I’ve checked the users and all of them have the correct panel language set.
I hope somebody can help me on the topic.
the screen that follows is half in the main language, and half in the language of the panel user.
So maybe there’s something a little of?