Multilanguage when changing language it loads the wrong template

Hey I just switch my site to a multilanguage site.
The english page loads the home.php template like it’s suposed to do but when I switch from english to dutch it loads the default.php template instead of the home.php template.

My config looks like this;

c::set('language.detect', true);

c::set('languages', array(
    'code'    => 'en',
    'name'    => 'English',
    'default' => true,
    'locale'  => 'en_US',
    'url'     => '/',
    'code'    => 'nl',
    'name'    => 'Dutch',
    'locale'  => 'nl_NL',
    'url'     => '/nl',
    'code'    => 'de',
    'name'    => 'Deutsch',
    'locale'  => 'de_DE',
    'url'     => '/de',

When I change my config to this it works fine:

c::set('language.detect', true);

c::set('languages', array(
    'code'    => 'en',
    'name'    => 'English',
    'default' => true,
    'locale'  => 'en_US',
    'url'     => '/en/home',
    'code'    => 'nl',
    'name'    => 'Dutch',
    'locale'  => 'nl_NL',
    'url'     => '/nl/home',
    'code'    => 'de',
    'name'    => 'Deutsch',
    'locale'  => 'de_DE',
    'url'     => '/de/home',

But this leaves the /home in the url when I change to the blog /en/home/blog and I don’t want that.
Does anybody knows how to fix this?

Do your text files use language extensions, i.e. home.en.txt, etc.? Please make sure that your folders do not contain any files without language code extension anymore.

I got this:

This is a bit weird. Do you happen to have more than one home folder, i.e. one with the prepended number and one without?

No just one home folder.

Is it only the home.php template that is affected, or does this happen with the other page templates as well?

It does it only on the home.php template?

Maybe the files got corrupted somehow, I’d try to recreate them.

I recreated the home.en.txt files but nothing happened. I just don’t get it why it gives me the error page!
Maybe it has something to do with de body id where it says default. Because on the english the body id is home?

No, the id is irrelevant here. If you want, you can send me a link to a zipped project in a PM and I’ll look into this.