Moving to Kirby 2 - with fancy box

Ok, I made a Kirby v1 site. It’s a gallery site with images and mp4 video, and all thumbnails open up and show/play in a Fancybox overlay. It took me forever to figure out how to do this exactly - especially the mp4 part which plays in the open source Jplayer inside the fancy box.

So, now I want to move the site to Kirby 2. However, I can’t seem to find any documentation/plugin to open images/video in a fancy box overlay. Is this true - so I would have to custom code this again from the beginning? OR is there a smart way/new way/other way that I am missing?

I hope you can help and point me in the right direction.
Br, B

I don’t think you would have to reinvent this from the beginning and would suspect that you can re-use most of your code. I think the thumbs() helper has changed so you might have to do some slight modifications. Have a look at the docs re. Upgrading from Kirby 1 to get a feeling of changes you might come across. Other than that if you have problems do not hesitate to post the relevant code here and ask questions.