Merx – Plugin to create online shops with Kirby 3

Hi @tobiasfabian,
Hi Forum,

I have a problem in my completePaytment:after hook.
I do a few things like creating a PDF, sending it via email and sending the data to a shipping platform for further operations and saving some IDs.
The Problem I face, that Kirby blocks completely also for other visitors on the website until all things are done. Which is too long. We are talking about 3-5 seconds. For someone ordering and paying I think it is ok, but for someone on the website at the same time, just browsing, it is way too long.
Do you have any ideas how I can solve this?

 'ww.merx.completePayment:after' => function (OrderPage $orderPage) {
// Stock updates
            if (option('debug') !== true) {
                foreach($orderPage->cart() as $cartItem) {
                    $productPage = page($cartItem['id']);
                    if ($productPage && $productPage->stock()->isNotEmpty()) {
                        $stock = $productPage->stock()->toFloat();
                            'stock' => $stock - (float)$cartItem['quantity'],

// Creates PDF ans sends an email to the customer
            createPDF($orderPage, 'email');

//adds the user to Mailchimp if user checked with the required data
            $mailchimp = kirby()->session()->get('mailchimp', 'string');
            if($mailchimp == 'accepted'){
                $uuid = $orderPage->uuid();

//Facebook Coversion API
            $uuid = $orderPage->uuid();
            fb_capi($uuid, 'Purchase', kirby()->session()->get('event_id'));

//Send Data to the Shipping Platform and receiving ID, storing it with the order
            if ($orderPage->paymentComplete()->toBool()) {
                $uuid = $orderPage->uuid();
                $data = parcel($uuid);
                $orderPage = $orderPage->update([
                    'parcel_id' => $data

//Add user ID, if user is logged in
            if( kirby()->user() ){
                $orderPage = $orderPage->update([
                    'userID' => kirby()->user()->id(),

Everything else works great. Just the delay for all users gives me a headache.
