Media folder doesn't create /plugins/index.css and index.js


i have problem where i can’t get a solution. I’m on Fedora 34 and installed PHP. In the Kirby Folder i started a development server with php --server localhost:8080 --docroot .

Most of the things are working. When i’m in the panel i get an error:
[HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 0ms]

The Media Folder doesn’t create /plugins/index.css and index.js
File uploads are working. But when i click on the file i get:
The JSON response of the API could not be parsed
[HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 0ms]

So any idea what i’m doing wrong here? I have also installed the gd extension and the extension is loaded.


Sounds exactly like this issue: Making 1Password understand where your change password page is located - Freek Van der Herten's blog on PHP, Laravel and JavaScript

But don’t know how it was solved.

Does rewriting work properly (in the frontend?). Are thumbs created in the media folder?

Just solved this for myself - I was not running the PHP dev server correctly, it needs to use kirby/router.php like in the docs.