Manually create selection list with interesting article pages for start page

Hello all,
I would like to create a section on the home page with about 5 cards that show interesting main pages and sub-pages from the website and encourage the visitor to click on them.
The following content should be visible on each card:

  • the cover image of the article page
  • the headline of the article page
  • the subhead of the article page
  • a button with a link to the page

How do I create the appropriate area in the Blueprint?
A checkbox list or multiselect would be a promising way to manually select the relevant pages in the panel. However, I lack the knowledge how to realize this.
How I retrieve cover, headline and subhead is known to me.

Is there already a similar solution for this on or here in the forum?

In the case of a blog, interesting articles are sometimes listed on the homepage. Here, however, the selection is usually made according to other criteria: Recent posts, most read etc.

Thanks a lot!

You could use a pages field (which from a functionality point of view is a select/multiselect field) with a query that allows selecting from all pages. Together with a card layout, you would be able to achieve this, apart from the button, which is not needed because clicking on the page will get you there, anyway.

Thank you very much for your idea.

I have now integrated the following solution:

  • In the blueprint I call the images from a subfolder inside the home folder.
  • From the images I read out alt and caption, which I use as text in the slider.
  • alt and caption appear in the cards as infotext.

This may not be the optimal solution, but it was quickly feasible for me.


    label: "cover images"
    type: files
    template: image
    parent: page.children.find("trends_slider")
    info: "category: <b>category:</b> {{ file.alt }}<br><b>headline:</b> {{ file.caption }}<br><br><b>image dimension:</b> {{ file.dimensions }} px<br><b>file size:</b> {{ file.niceSize }}"
    layout: cards
        ratio: 3/2
        cover: true
    size: small


$files = $page->find('trends_slider')->files()->shuffle();
foreach ($files as $file): ?>
<img src="<?= $file->thumb(
        'width'     => 600,
        'height'    => 600,
        'crop'      => 'center',
        'format'    => 'webp',
        'quality'   => 70,
)->url() ?>" alt="" class="w-100" />
<?php if ($file->alt()->isNotEmpty()) : ?>
<?= $file->alt() ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ($file->caption()->isNotEmpty()) : ?>
<?= $file->caption() ?>
<?php endif ?>
<a href="#">more</a>
<?php endforeach ?>

(I have reduced the code for better overview and removed CSS-classes and DIVs.)

Now I’m still missing a solution approach, how to assign a link to the corresponding article page to the image…

Ok, so this was about files, not pages…

As regards the page the file belongs to, you can get it with

$parentPage = $file->parent();
// and the url
echo $parentPage?->url();

I have chosen the solution files instead of pages, because I lack the knowledge for your suggestion :frowning:
Currently I have a solution that works independently of the existing pages.
When I am more familiar with Kirby, I will solve this problem differently.

I have now found the solution I was looking for in your cookbook, which is exactly what I wanted:

  label: Articles worth reading
  type: pages
  query: page.siblings(false)
  layout: cards
    ratio: 5/4
    cover: true
  size: small

Thank you for your support.
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