Looking for the Kirby of online forms

Thanks for the thorough response and the recommendations, @AugustMiller!

Well, at least Jotform (the client’s first choice) does accept payments out of the box. If we could style it well enough and be able to avoid the iframe scrollbar, that would do the trick. Kind of ugly solution but reliable and flexible.

Not exactly on the fly, but maybe bianual small changes to the form (every application round), for which the client wants to have control over.

Wow, FormKeep is great! That’s the kind of tool I was talking about (the Kirby of form-builders? hard to compare them…). The problem is it won’t allow the client to build the forms themselves, so I think for this particular assignment it won’t work, but I see us using it soon for other projects. Validation, like you said, would take a lot of effort, but I reckon there must be JS libraries/toolkits to help with that, right?

To give you more context: we’re a web design studio, focused on creative, cutting-edge frontend aesthetics, with not that complex backend programming. We’re self-taught programmers so a custom ORM is far out of reach. Integrating Stripe is however an option, especially since there’s Shopkit for Kirby, which we might be using anyway for a mini online shop.

I should have said we’ve already developed the site in Kirby. :stuck_out_tongue: Now it’s a bit too late to move to another integral custom solution. It’s more about minimizing damages with embedding external services and guiding the client in not choosing a provider that would make our design job a nightmare.

You hate asking for the same reason I would hate using it. :rofl:

Thanks a lot again!