Looking for a freelancer


we from Auszeit-weltweit (https://www.auszeit-weltweit.de) are currently looking for a freelancer to improve our website on a hourly or project base. This would involve backend (new functions and better blueprints) and some frontend solutions (additional input for UI and some JavaScript if needed).

This is not a job to create everything from scratch or to pick up the pieces, but to extend our workforce. I did everything myself until today, but I am also starting to lack time to finish the to-do list.

We are based in Germany, but every English-speaking person is welcome! You can also contact me by email: manuel.dsj@auszeit-weltweit.de.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Manuel,

I will be happy to talk to you about the project, I have much experience with PHP, using Kirby and Laravel, including some breakthrough extensions in kirby 2 (check my posts history).

I also have been working a lot with JS in the latest years and consider myself pretty good with VueJs - check my SPA I’m working on map.elcoop.io/nur - my own social network :slight_smile:

Contact me with a private message and let’s talk