List user panel order name


I looked at this page as well as forum posts and other cookbooks.

I would just like to list the users in alphabetical order of with “” (I think it currently takes the id).

Is it possible or not?

I tested several things and I could see that it is possible to modify the data display. But I don’t understand how to do it.


You have to over load the panels UsersView.vue component in a plugin. I think i did something like this on the PHP side…


Kirby::plugin('custom/users', [
    'areas' => [
      'users' => function () {
        return [
          'views' => [
            'users' => [
                'pattern' => 'users',
                'action'  => function () {
                    $kirby = kirby();
                    $role  = get('role');
                    $roles = $kirby->roles()->toArray(fn ($role) => [
                        'id'    => $role->id(),
                        'title' => $role->title(),
                    return [
                        'component' => 'k-users-view',
                        'props'     => [
                            'role' => function () use ($kirby, $roles, $role) {
                                if ($role) {
                                    return $roles[$role] ?? null;
                            'roles' => array_values($roles),
                            'users' => function () use ($kirby, $role) {
                                $users = $kirby->users();
                                if (empty($role) === false) {
                                    $users = $users->role($role);
                                $users = $users->sortBy('name', 'desc', 1);                             

                                $users = $users->paginate([
                                    'limit' => 20,
                                    'page'  => get('page')
                                return [
                                    'data' => $users->values(fn ($user) => [
                                        'id'    => $user->id(),
                                        'image' => $user->panel()->image(),
                                        'info'  => Escape::html($user->role()->title()),
                                        'link'  => $user->panel()->url(true),
                                        'text'  => Escape::html($user->username())
                                    'pagination' => $users->pagination()->toArray()

Which is similar to the way the panel does it with the slight tweak…

$users = $users->sortBy('name', 'desc', 1);
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Thank you very much @jimbobrjames , so much code for if possible. I wouldn’t have succeeded on my own!

To make the asc order work I modified just this line:
$users = $users->sortBy('name', 'asc');

le , 1 is not necessary.

your sample code would be great in the kirby documentation as it is something useful when dealing with a large number of users.

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The 1 makes it sort by natural order rather than computer order, as far as i know. Without it you can end up with freak occurances that are sorted as computers sort things, rather than as natural sorting would.

Like this:

Standard sorting
    [3] => img1.png
    [1] => img10.png
    [0] => img12.png
    [2] => img2.png

Natural order sorting
    [3] => img1.png
    [2] => img2.png
    [1] => img10.png
    [0] => img12.png

Your call :slight_smile: Probably less chance of it happening with alpha text rather than numbers.