Know which config file is active

Hi folks,
I want to know if there a way to know the current config file who is active. I’ve created some of them with the multi-environment setup and I want to be sure that is the good one who is used.


you could set a variable in each config with a unique value and echo it into a comment tag in your template so you can see which one is being used.

c::set('configused', 'stagingconfig');

And in your template:

<!-- <?= c::get('configused') ?> -->

If it uses the wrong one, check the file names of the config files. It must match the domain name exactly.

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If you just want to check what data is being used without actually requiring the filename, you can do this:


Note that the default config.php file is always used!


Thank you !
I’ve think about this method but i wanted to be sure there no native solution.

Thanks for this tip, i need it too :slight_smile: !