Don’t really get the syntax for it. Any Ideas how to use nested lists in kirbytext or in markdown in general ?
thanks in advance
Don’t really get the syntax for it. Any Ideas how to use nested lists in kirbytext or in markdown in general ?
thanks in advance
- Item 1
- Subitem 1
- Subitem 2
- Item 2
Spaces don’t help. They are just ignored.
Output is set to: $text->kt()
Hm, worked for me. Which Kirby version are you using? Have you inspected the generated HTML?
kirby 3.4.
nested ul is missing in html as well
Ah, I was stupid and tested with a standard textarea field
Does that mean, it doesn‘t on your site as well?
Haven’t had a chance to look into it yet.
Hm, ok, I tested in Editor in a kirbytext block and the result is as expected.
Tested with:
Kirby: 3.4.4-rc1 (3.4.4 was published today)
Editor: 1.0.4
Hmm, no idea what I’m doing wrong
Which output? In the block snippet? Or in your template?
The output of my text is defined in a builder snippet:
<?php echo $data->text()->kt() ?>But the field you use is an Editor field?
actually it is a textarea. this is the part of my yml:
name: Text
type: textarea
Oh, thank you much for your answer and finding the unsolvable bug in the plugin. So i guess its time to switch to the new kirby core builder.