Hi. Does anyone have any experience with integrating either Snipcart or Shopify Lite (or full) with Kirby? Which do you find preferable? Which provides the best interface for non-technical clients? Which is the easiest to integrate and manage? Which results in the least errors or requires the least maintenance?
Thank you
There are plugins for both:
Haven’t used any of them, so can’t tell…
I would say that Snipcart provides the best overall experience in terms of ease (not just beacause thats my plugin ) having used both systems with Kirby, I can say Shopify takes quite a bit more setup and the products are managed on Shopify and brought into Kirby via the API. The products get cached within Kirby and i have run into occassions where its difficult to update the cache, but that just how Shopify works.
The reverse is true with Snipcart - you can manage the products from within Kirby, without having to use two control panels.