Kirby Klub - Plugin for Subscriptions and One-time Purchases with Stripe

I am creating posts for my plugins to make it easier to find them using the forum search and not just the docs search.

I am currently building a membership plugin that extends beyond the functionality of managing users (plugin from 2017 by @starckio).

My plugin is centered around Stripe as gateway for subscriptions and one-time payments. It can automatically create users after a successful subscription and has helpers to build frontends with a page hierarchy and content filtered by the users subscriptions/purchases.

Unlike with all my other free plugins I will charge an affordable lifetime license fee for the membership plugin. This decision is mostly based on the fact this plugin will allow you to make revenue directly. I have not yet decided on the pricing and I am looking forward to your expectations.

I have created a private discord channel to discuss the current features and your usecases.

Join my Membership Channel if you want to know more or suggest features.

:warning: I need to assign the Discord role manually so please be patient after signing up, it might take me up to a day or two.

Here are some impressions of the work in progress taken from the test suite included with the plugins source code:



account page demo

one-time purchase of products and subscriptions from stripe


Some more videos highlighting features:

Started working on the docs

1 Like

Version 1.0 released :tada:

You can check out the full docs here:

The Klub plugin allows you to add members with subscriptions and one-time product purchases to your existing Kirby CMS project. It uses Stripe as its payment gateway.


  • :bust_in_silhouette: Automatic creation of Kirby CMS accounts for members
  • :link: Members can log in without a password using a “magic link” sent via email
  • :repeat: Members can subscribe to plans via Stripe
  • :shopping: Members can purchase one-time products via Stripe
  • :key: You can set permissions on Pages/Files/Block to which plan they are available from within the Panel
  • :card_file_box: You can add custom fields to the member blueprint and define read/write permissions
  • :see_no_evil: You can use allows/disallows-helpers to check permissions within your PHP code
  • and more
  • :performing_arts: Switching subscription tiers
  • :stopwatch: Tracking of progress
  • :closed_lock_with_key: Member data encryption
  • :clown_face: Gravatar integration
  • :mailbox_with_mail: Discord notifications
  • :brick: Can be used to create Paywalls

149 EUR + tax

179 EUR

Sale will end on 1st of may 2024.


'm interested in your plugin for setting up a tender consultation service for creative professionals. My goal is to display a table of these offers for users who subscribe to a €2/month plan.

While reviewing the plugin, I noticed a free section that I don’t need. Is it possible to remove this part? Additionally, I’d like to know if accounts can be activated immediately after subscribing to the plan, or have I misunderstood something?


Hi Oziris,

free section
the plugin provides you with helpers to control which permissions are needed to view pages or parts of the content. You can use these to hide the table you mentioned until the user is registered and has an active subscription.

account creation
this depends on the flow you want to have. the plugin assists you here with helpers as well but ultimately the choice is yours. something like this…
a) users register (name, email, custom password) and have to validate their email somehow. their account is now active. later they make a purchase. or…
b) anonymous visitors follow the subscription flow via stripe and after a successful purchase end up with an kirby user account (logged in). i assume this would match your “immediate activation”. this only works if the klub plugin manages the accounts and you default to the suggested magic-link logins. otherwise you would be better of with a)