Kirby CMS page on plesk panel with nginx

Hi - i am building up a new test site as we plan to migrate away from wordpress; but each time when i try to save any modification i get this:

Das Formular konnte nicht gespeichert werden
Exception: undefined
Call to a member function url() on null

Using latest kirby cms (3.6xx) with zero one theme.

Does the same also happen with a Starterkit?

i think so but let me double check in detail please coming back asap

→ so it doesnt happen as long as starter kit is 100% as from your page. i am then creating the plugins folder and i selected some plugins from homepage which i put then into this folder and then the failure occurs.

need to try one by one what causes that

OK i deleted them one by one but still i have that problem. seems as i put the plugins folder into the wrong place? as soon as i delete /site/plugins its just working fine again

i am using plesk on ubuntu 20.04 with nginx and PHP 8.1 with that additional directive

if (!-e $request_filename){
rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php break;

the 2 ones that i found in your instructions page didnt work out and i wasnt not able to enter the panel

Which plugins are you using? When deleting them you should also clear the media folder.

Hi i started now completely from scratch. looks like an unhealthy situation between any of the plugins and the theme and me being a noob for kirby.

right now i sorted it and go on with internal testing. thank you for hint with plugins.