Kirby 4 Huge Collection Question


What is the default order the below collection fetch would use, or would it be just random each time?

$articles = page('articles');
$articlesPageChildren = $moviePage->children();

and then i the loop:
$pages = $articlesPageChildren->slice($ndx * $limit, $limit);

If I have 1 milion articles pages that i want to process and that process fail at 200k, if i execute the above again would they be fetched in the same order?

When i try to use $moviePage->children()->sortBy(‘sort’, ‘asc’) i think it tries to fetch all at once and it takes forever somehow.

Any advice?

Is it really about 1,000,000 articles? Basically, I would use a strategy for a high number of pages and group the content into folders. For example, for a movie collection according to this structure:

└── movies/
    ├── 2023/
    │   ├── a/
    │   │   ├── amazing-movie/
    │   │   └── another-great-film/
    │   ├── b/
    │   │   └── brave-adventure/
    │   ├── c/
    │   │   ├── cool-story/
    │   │   └── captivating-drama/
    ├── 2024/
    │   ├── a/
    │   │   ├── awesome-film/
    │   │   └── ancient-legend/
    │   ├── m/
    │   │   └── mighty-quest/
    │   ├── s/
    │   │   ├── silent-night/
    │   │   └── summer-breeze/
    │   └── other/
    │       └── zeta-endgame/
    └── genres/
        ├── action/
        │   ├── action-movie-1/
        │   └── action-movie-2/
        ├── comedy/
        │   ├── funny-movie/
        │   └── laugh-out-loud/
        └── drama/
            ├── emotional-journey/
            └── heartfelt-story/

Alternatively, you can also work with a database:

1 milion was an example, i see around 500K, data is being stored in redis which builds collection of pages out of it.

Any idea about the sort questions?

Default sort order is by order in the file system if you do not sort by anything else.

How efficient is sortBy(‘sort’, ‘asc’), is it loading all pages into memory? I am guessing if i do sortBy with limit and offset it will load everything into memory as well, the whole collection of pages?

Which in my case will run out of memory.