Kirby 3 editor custom Block select page


I wanted to make an extension in the editor plugin where I can link pages.
My approach was to pass a selection of pages to Vue and then to use the props. Unfortunately I don’t get to feel the props.
Does anyone have an idea?


icon: "share",
// get the block content
props: {
    content: String,
    attrs: [Array, Object]
data() {
    return {
        pages: this.attrs.pages || [{ value: '-a-', text: '-A-' }],
        content: this.content || ''


Kirby::plugin('dummy/editor-share-block', [
    'snippets' => [
        'editor/share' => __DIR__ . '/snippets/share.php'
    'props' => function() {
       return [
              ['value' => 'dummy1', 'text' => 'Dummy1'],
              ['value' => 'dummy2', 'text' => 'Dummy2']

Hm, I haven’t created an Editor block yet, but I wonder what the props in the PHP file are good for? That doesn’t look right to me.

I’ve hooked into it for now. I load the data over my own route. This works but I think it is more elegant. Unfortunately the documentation of the plugin seems to be incomplete or what I wanted to do is not planned?


data() {
    return {
      pages: this.attrs.pages || [{ value: '-', text: '-' }],
      content: this.content || ''
  created: function () {
      .then((response) => {
        return response.json();
      .then((content) => {
        this.pages = content;


Kirby::plugin('dmcx/editor-share-block', [
    'snippets' => [
        'editor/share' => __DIR__ . '/snippets/share.php'