The 422 stops when I prevent such requests from reaching this point in the .htaccess (but I then get a 404) :
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php [L]
Has anyone ever encounter such an issue with any hosting ? Thank’s in advance
The only other thread I could find about this was “invalid-source-image-error-on-admin-panel-on-hostinger-server/32432”, but it seems to have been deleted or made private
If a Kirby admin is reading this, can you please check and share if there was any useful info in that thread?
Both domains I used were custom ones which were “parked” from other providers (the one that did not work was from Infomaniak, the one that worked was from OVH).
I’m not really sure why the original thread was marked as spam, but the problem seems to be happening more often on Hostinger and the last time I debugged it, it seemed to be connected to their CDN. They seem to be running GitHub - imgproxy/imgproxy: Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images there in some form, which produces those errors for URLs that look like images, but aren’t really. In this case, the Panel URL has an image file extension but is actually a regular Kirby Panel route. The imgproxy seems to intercept that and then break because it’s not actually an image.