Is there a better way to check if one of multiple fields is empty?

Is there a better way to do this other than just adding in a new condition each time I want to add a social link?

<?php if($site->socialfacebook()->isNotEmpty() || $site->socialtwitter()->isNotEmpty() || $site->sociallinkedin()->isNotEmpty() || $site->socialinstagram()->isNotEmpty() || $site->socialyoutube()->isNotEmpty() || $site->socialsteam()->isNotEmpty() || $site->socialtwitch()->isNotEmpty() || $site->socialskype()->isNotEmpty()): ?>


// create an array of fields
$fields = ['socialfacebook', 'socialblabla...'];
// loop through fields
foreach($fields as $field) 
    // do stuff

Please use the “Question” category for questions. Makes it easier to find open question.

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And how would I get html in the do stuff section? Echo doesn’t seem to work.

I will mark all my future questions as questions :slight_smile: Thanks for pointing it out to me.


I got it


$fields = ['socialfacebook', 'socialtwitter', 'sociallinkedin', 'socialinstagram', 'socialyoutube', 'socialsteam', 'socialtwitch', 'socialskype']; ?>

<?php foreach($fields as $field): ?>
  	<?php if($site->{$field}()->isNotEmpty()): ?>
		<li class="menu-navigation__item">
		  	<a href="<?= $site->{$field}() ?>" class="menu-navigation__link">
			  	<svg class="icon">
				  	<use xlink:href="#icon-<?= substr($field, 6) ?>" />
	<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

See I’m slowly learning :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you senpai “texnixe

Hm, almost. Your current code will only output a link to Facebook though, you have to use the field placeholder in the href attribute and get the correct icon.

Edit: See code above.

Already updated that part :wink:


The final code for anyone that wants it


$fields = ['socialfacebook', 'socialtwitter', 'sociallinkedin', 'socialinstagram', 'socialyoutube', 'socialsteam', 'socialtwitch', 'socialskype'];


<ul class="social-links social-links--white menu-navigation menu-navigation--horizontal">
	<?php foreach($fields as $field): ?>
	  	<?php if($site->{$field}()->isNotEmpty()): ?>
			<?php $icon = substr($site->{$field}()->key(), 6); ?>
			<li class="menu-navigation__item">
			  	<a href="<?= $site->{$field}() ?>" class="menu-navigation__link">
				  	<svg class="icon">
					  	<use xlink:href="#icon-<?= $icon ?>" />
		<?php endif ?>
	<?php endforeach ?>

That’s another way of doing it, but you already have the name of the field in the $field variable, so no need to get it again, see my edited code above.

Ah I see, OK, that makes sense.