Get Blueprint field values

Im using the code below to get all the the blueprint fields that start with the word “social” and use it to generate a list of the social media links in my sites footer. Trouble is, there is no check to see if the field has a value or not. How can i filter out the empty fields?

// Get Social Links
$socialFields = array_filter(
    static function ($field) {
        return Str::startsWith($field, 'social');

$social = [];

foreach ($socialFields as $key) {
    $social[$key] = [
    'label' => $site->blueprint()->field($key)['label'],
    'url' => $site->{$key}()->value(),
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You could use an if statement:

foreach ($socialFields as $key) {
   if ($site->{$key}()->isNotEmpty() {
     $social[$key] = [
      'label' => $site->blueprint()->field($key)['label'],
      'url' => $site->{$key}()->value(),

or use an additional condition in the array_filter() closure

Hrmm… if statement doesnt work.

Can you please explain this :slight_smile:

Yes, of course :slightly_smiling_face:

$socialFields = array_filter(
    static function ($field) use ($site) {
        return Str::startsWith($field, 'social') && $site->{$field}()->isNotEmpty();

(Well, ok, it’s not an explanation but the code example, but I think it is self-explanatory?)

Well, maybe not, so:

To pass the $site variable to the closure, we use a use() statement (otherwise we would get an undefined variable $site error (the alternative would be to use the site() helper instead of $site).

Inside the closure, we not only check if the field starts with social, but also check if it is not empty with $site->{$field}()->isNotEmpty().

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Yup that did the trick :slight_smile: Thank you.

And actually the if statement might well have worked too, i just realised i was doing it in the wrong controller.

Yep, but it makes sense to put it in the callback where you are filtering the fields anyway. Unless you have a reason to fetch all fields first and then later filter by empty or not.