Is pages image size relative to column size?

Hello, please look at this panel layout

As you see the size of the pages on the pages section at left and right differ, although they should be the same as per the blueprint:

  - width: 2/3
        type: pages
        headline: Products
        templates: product
        status: all
        sortable: true
        layout: cards
        size: tiny
          cover: true
          ratio: 2/3
  - width: 1/3
        type: pages
        headline: Merchandise
        templates: merch-product
        status: all
        sortable: true
        layout: cards
        size: tiny
          cover: true
          ratio: 2/3

Why is this? is the image size relative to the column size? is there are typo in the bp?

Thank you

That depends on the screen width.

Oh… I see, so the column is supposed to fit a number of images, without leftovers, right ?

Well that is annoying in equal to proportion to one’s neuroticisim haha.

Thank you texnixe

No, if there is just one page and the screen is wide enough, it looks like this:

But since it is responsive, when the column get’s smaller, the card start to fill up the whole column.

Yes, but I mean it seems to always try that the column width is cleanly divisible by the image width, right ? that is why the difference in column width causes the responsiveness to behave differently, different timing.

If you want a different behavior, you could use a custom Panel stylesheet.

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