Is it possible to make Upload default and only option in files field?

Files field vs. files section:

Files field

  • Select one or more files from a (larger) set of files
  • The ID(s) of the selected file(s) are stored in the page’s content file
  • Upload a single file at a time, the newly uploaded file is then automatically selected
  • Deleting a file uploaded via the files field is only possible via the file view (or through a files section), not directly from the files field
  • Templates can be assigned to uploaded files via the upload option
  • The files set to select from can be defined using the query option; the query allows you to fetch files from different parents and to filter the set by any criteria; if no query is set, the field defaults to files of the current page
  • You can only upload to a single page; default parent is the current page

Files section

  • Upload one or more files at once to a single parent
  • Files can only be uploaded to a single page; the destination is set with the parentoption
  • Files can be filtered by template only
  • You can limit what type of files can be uploaded with the accept option in the given files template
  • Files are only uploaded to the given parent, the IDs of the uploaded files are not stored anywhere