Hello! This has been bugging me for some time:
The panel of a specific page expects unique uploads but there is no way to prevent the „select“ option.
Via docs, it seems possible to prevent uploads and via forum, there was a similar question, alas on a more narrow query.
An obvious option would be to be able to prevent file selects by setting the query to none
or false
– did I miss such an option?
Thanks for any hints!
I guess you are talking about a files field. Why would you want to disable selecting files when the whole purpose of a files field is to select files? If you don’t want to select anything, I suggest you use a files section instead.
Thanks for the fast reply!
Why would you want to disable selecting files when the whole purpose of a files field is to select files?
because people have to upload specific data for specific elements. Setting up 3 different file sections with max 1 files would be an option in my case, though.
I suppose there are many situations where you’d want to enforce an upload in a normal form workflow – avatar images come to my mind. And granted: it’s only a minor UI thing, but it is confusing in my case.
In any case, selecting files cannot be disabled in a files field. If you only want to upload a file, you really need different sections with the max option and a separate template applied to each.
If you were to upload to a files field without selecting anything, you wouldn’t even see the uploaded file.
If you were to upload to a files field without selecting anything, you wouldn’t even see the uploaded file.
Ahh, understood. Well, suppose you can’t cirumvent that.
Just saw that the actual user profile has a different functionality hardcoded.