Installing Plugins with Composer


To make use of the beautiful new dashboard, I’d like to switch my plugin installations to composer-based.

However, when I run

  composer require jbeyerstedt/kirbytextraw

I get an error:

Could not find a matching version of package jbeyerstedt/kirbytextraw. Check the package spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available in a stability which matches your minimum-stability (stable).

– what can I do?

Thank you!

There is no such package on packagist and therefore no option to install that plugin via composer. The plugin is not needed anyway anymore.

See also notice here: GitHub - jbeyerstedt/kirby-plugin-kirbytextRaw: Kirby Plugin to get kirbytext() without the enclosing <p>-tags (obsolete for kirby 3)

Also, it is not necessary to install plugins via composer for the System view with the plugins to work as expected.

Oh, that’s both good to know. How can I (can I?) enable checking for updates in the System view? Here’s what I see currently:


The version is read from the composer file, this very old plugin does not come with this file.