Installing (and using) the Retour plugin

Hi all,
Truely a newbie at this, sorry about that, I’m trying to install the Retour plugin prior to switching from Wordpress to Kirby (which will generate a zillion broken links, trying to prevent that). But past installing per-say the files in the plugin directory I cannot figure out how to access the plugin’s interface. Documentation does not seem to cover integration within the panel / site.yml / config.php and - again - I’m not high enough on the Kirby tree to figure it out on my own. Any help appreciated.


Kirby 3.5.0 / nginx 1.18 / sqlite 3.33 / php 7.4.13 / FreeBSD 12

Hi. If everything went right with the installation, the Retour plugin’s settings should be accessible from the top left Panel menu under “Redirects”:


Hmm, maybe a caching issue, I didn’t see it initially but now I do ! Sorry ! All is well now, thanks.