Instagram Feed | Instagram feed on your website!

Kirby Instagram Feed

Instagram feed on your website for Kirby 3.

Instagram API

This plugin powered by the
new Instagram Basic Display API.

Rate Limits

There is an Instagram API
limit (Instagram API rate limits)
. Don’t worry! The plugin caches it periodically for the time
you set from config.

Expire Token

Instagram access token expires after 2 months (60 days) by default. The plugin automatically refresh the token. If cache
is enabled the plugin will do it 1 week before, otherwise it will do it on every request and this is not recommended. So
you don’t need to do anything.


  1. Download the latest release
  2. Unzip downloaded file
  3. Copy/paste unzipped folder in your /site/plugins folder


You can use sample basic snippet of plugin:

<?php snippet('instagram-feed') ?>

If you want to customize it, you can look the example usage below:

<?php foreach (site()->instagramFeed() as $feed): ?>
    <a href="<?= $feed->permalink() ?>" target="_blank">
        <img title="<?= $feed->caption() ?>" src="<?= $feed->media_url() ?>">
<?php endforeach ?>

Available $feed methods

  • $feed->id()
  • $feed->caption()
  • $feed->is_album()
  • $feed->is_image()
  • $feed->is_video()
  • $feed->media() (Only available with store enabled option)
  • $feed->media_type() (The Media’s type. Can be IMAGE, VIDEO or CAROUSEL_ALBUM)
  • $feed->media_url()
  • $feed->permalink()
  • $feed->thumbnail() (Only available with store enabled option)
  • $feed->thumbnail_url()
  • $feed->timestamp()
  • $feed->username()
  • $feed->children() (Only available for the CAROUSEL_ALBUM media type)

Also site()->instagramFeed() and all items ($feed) in it are collection objects and have all collection methods.

Showing album feeds

If the feed item is an album media type, it does not have a media element/url. Album media type is a collection of multiple media. For this you should call the $feed->children() method. This method returns a media collection. Here is an example of usage:

<?php if ($feed->is_album() === true && $children = $feed->children()): ?>
    <?php foreach ($children as $child): ?>
        <?php if ($child->is_image() === true): ?>
            <a href="<?= $child->permalink() ?>" target="_blank">
                <img title="<?= $child->caption() ?>" src="<?= $child->media_url() ?>">
        <?php elseif ($child->is_video() === true): ?>
            <a href="<?= $child->permalink() ?>" target="_blank">
                <video width="100%" height="100%" autoplay preload muted loop>
                    <source src="<?= $child->media_url() ?>" type="video/mp4">
        <?php endif ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>


The default values of the package are:

Option Type Default Description
accessToken string null Access token for Instagram Basic Display API.
cache boolean true Enable/disable caching feed and refresh token request. Highly recommended that the cache be enabled to avoid exceeding api request limit.
store boolean false Enable/disable storing images or videos for this plugin.
debug boolean false Enable/disable debugging for this plugin.
expire int 1440 Sets how long the feed items are cached as minutes. Default is one day.
limit int 20 Sets how many feed items are fetch from API.

All the values can be updated in the config.php file and prefixed with owebstudio.instagram-feed.

Sample options


// /site/config/config.php
return [
    'owebstudio.instagram-feed' => [
        'accessToken' => 'INSTAGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN',
        'cache' => true,
        'store' => true,
        'debug' => false,
        'expire' => 180, // 3 hours
        'limit' => 10 // fetch limit 


Here are a few resources on Instagram access token creation:


Hi, thanks for including the storing feature!
I purchased the plugin on the old page (clicktonext) and can’t download the newest version from there…?

How can I get the newest version?

Thanks @stffr

I moved the plugins to the new site: I will send a notification to purchasers via soon.

If those who purchased the plugin via Click to Next send the license and email information they purchased to, I will assist them to download the plugin.

@HoldenCoffey The plugin is ready to use. This plugin works with the “Instagram Basic Display API”. There is no ready-made UI template. The plugin fetches your posts from Instagram with your own token and you should integrate the post list returned from the API into your own template.

Hi @ahmetbora. Is there any way to check if any post from the feed is “pinned”, to pin it also in my own feed? Thanks!

@stffr AFAIK, there is no option for pinned posts. Only following fields are supported:

@ahmetbora Thanks for building this. After purchasing and creating the access token I run into a problem where it’s not showing previews of video files (only broken image icon). Is there a fix for this?

If I use ->thumbnail_url() instead of ->media_url() it breaks all the others and nog the video.

I fixed it with the solution underneath but there might be a nicer/cleaner way?

    <a href="<?= $feed->permalink() ?>" target="_blank">
      <?php if ($feed->media_type() == 'VIDEO') { ?>
        <img title="<?= $feed->caption() ?>" src="<?= $feed->thumbnail_url() ?>">
      <?php } else { ?>
        <img title="<?= $feed->caption() ?>" src="<?= $feed->media_url() ?>">
      <?php } ?>

@afplaktape Thanks for using our plugins. Because, according to the meta document:

thumbnail_url: The Media’s thumbnail image URL. Only available on VIDEO Media.

Version 1.3.0


  • Fetching album items now available, see in readme: $feed->children()

Hi @ahmetbora!

Will your plugin be updated for the new Instagram API with Instagram login?

Thanks for your help

For anyone with the same problem.
The script still works as intended, but you have to create a new App

  1. Create a new App on Facebook (old Apps won’t work). Click “Other” → “Business” → “Create App”
  2. After that, add the product “Instagram” to your app (“Set up”)
  3. Under “Generate access tokens”: Add Account → Continue → Popup with Instagram Login → “Allow” (you can remove read and write messages)
  4. Under the new account click on “Generate token” → Log in again in Instagram popup → Allow (you can uncheck 2nd and 3rd checkbox, I’m not sure about the last one)
  5. Copy your access token, replace the old one in the config.php in your Kirby installation, clear your cache and reload

I think it only works if there’s only one user in the Instagram product in your app.

Hi, I want to only display the image of the first child of an album. I tried this:

<div class="container grid grid-cols-3">
  <?php foreach (site()->instagramFeed()->limit(6) as $feed): ?>
    <?php if ($feed->is_album() === true && $children = $feed->children()): ?>
      <a href="<?= $feed->permalink() ?>" target="_blank">
        <img title="<?= $feed->caption() ?>" src="<?= $children->first()->thumbnail_url() ?>">
    <?php else: ?>
      <a href="<?= $feed->permalink() ?>" target="_blank">
        <img title="<?= $feed->caption() ?>" src="<?= $feed->thumbnail_url() ?>">
    <?php endif ?>
  <?php endforeach ?>

Unfortunatly, <?= $children->first()->thumbnail_url() ?> doesn’t return anything.
Can you help me?

Hi, maybe first item of the children is not an image. You can try with filtering and media_url:

$children->filterBy('is_image', true)->first()->media_url();