Image field missing


I tried to add another custom field to my panel blueprint: An image.
I added

label: Cover image
type: image
to my article.yml.

However now I get this cryptic error message, with no indication on how to install this field.

The image field is missing. Please add it to your installed fields or remove it from your blueprint

Online I only found, that it should be already part of Kirby.

Kirby info on my dashboard says:

Kirby info
Toolkit version: 2.2.3
Kirby version: 2.2.3
Panel version: 2.2.3


Hi Daniel
The image field was added in Kirby 2.3
You should upgrade your Kirby or use another field.

Done, thanks for the quick reply.
I assumed that I already had the latest version since I just installed the startekit a week ago.
Is there any indicator in the panel, that an update ist available?


No there isn’t but that’s a great feature! It may be possible to add it in a future release. Meanwhile, follow the blog and you’ll be aware of new releases. They don’t come in very often. It was 5 months between the last two major releases.

To get notified about releases you can subscribe to the changelog RSS feed and we also send out newsletters to everyone who has bought a license.

Hey Daniel,
I built a dashboard widget that’ll let you see quickly whether there’s an update. Check it out :wink:

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