Image crop and focus not working?

I cannot seem to get crop or focus to work in Kirby 4? I have an events section where the events are pulled into the home page also, all the content comes in correctly, but the image doesn’t crop to the focal point set in the image upload field.


    label: Event Image
    type: files
    template: cover
    layout: cards
    info: "{{ file.dimensions }}"
    size: large
    max: 1

Template cover:

title: Image

  mime: image/jpeg, image/png

    label: Alt Text
    type: text
    required: true


$EventsPage = page('events');
$events = $EventsPage->children()->listed();

<?php foreach ($events as $event): ?>
<?php if($image = $event->cover()->toFile()): ?>
	<img src="<?= $image->crop(768, 470)->url() ?>" width="768" height="470" alt="<?= $image->alt()->esc() ?>">
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

The cover image is brought into the page but it doesn’t seem to crop, nor does the focus work if this is set on the image.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Figured it out, it was due to the original image size bring too big when uploaded. Client will need to resize image first before uploading to Kirby.