How to use pagination in k-table


looking at the component k-table there is an option called pagination

Unfortunately I couldn’t find any info in the documentation on how to use it.

I tried to provide the data object in :pagination=data on k-table, but nothing has changed and do not see an option where to set the limit

Can someone point me in the right direction or maybe provide a simple example on how to use it?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards

I’d suggest you have a look at the source code in the kirby repo, clone with git, then do a full text search for the component.

Dear Texnixe,

thank you for you engagement.

As I wrote i initial post, I did look at the code, even provided links to source code from you repository of component in question, and link to a line where I found the pagination option.

Unfortunately, I could not figure out how to activate the pagination on k-table component. Documentation is of no use either. :frowning:

Would you be so kind and provide a simple example on how to use it please.

Thank you

Well, I don’t really know either, otherwise I wouldn’t have recommended the source code ;). Will take a look myself and if I figure it out, let you know.

I think it will get clearer if you look at the example in StructureField.vue. Sorry, there is no documentation for these components.

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Thanks for the tip to look at StructureField.vue.