How to set number options for select field?

Is it possible to set numbers as options of a select field? In my case, they don’t need to be real integers, which I already found out to not be working, but a number string would be helpful. I’ve tried the following…

type: select
    en: 100px (@ 1920px screen width)
    de: 100px (@ 1920px Bildschirmbreite)
    en: 200px (@ 1920px screen width)
    de: 200px (@ 1920px Bildschirmbreite)
    en: 300px (@ 1920px screen width)
    de: 300px (@ 1920px Bildschirmbreite)
type: select
    en: 100px (@ 1920px screen width)
    de: 100px (@ 1920px Bildschirmbreite)
    en: 200px (@ 1920px screen width)
    de: 200px (@ 1920px Bildschirmbreite)
    en: 300px (@ 1920px screen width)
    de: 300px (@ 1920px Bildschirmbreite)

…both formats throw an error in the panel:

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