How to select files after uploading to a custom subfolder?


I want to upload files into a custom subfolder via blueprint. My blueprint looks as follows:

  type: files
    template: custom
    parent: site.children.find('files/custom')

The blueprint above is running as expected. My files go into the folder content/files/custom.

Now I want to use the search (and select) functionality to check if a file is already available and extended the blueprint as follows:

  type: files
    template: custom
    parent: site.children.find('files/custom')
  search: true
  template: custom
  parent: site.children.find('files/custom')

It seems parent doesn’t work in that case or at least I don’t know how to use it. By clicking on the search or select link, the dialog stays empty and no files are shown.

FYI: The usage of parent:site or parent:page is working, but how do I force the system to look in the mentioned subfolder?

Thanks in advance for the answers!

A files field doesn’t have a parent option. You have to use query.

Oh perfect, that was quick.

Thanks a lot, Sonja!