How to pluck unique dates from structure fields from multiple pages?

I have multiple event pages, each with a structure field that can hold multiple dates. For a timetable in the frontend I need to have an array of every unique date (no time).

I tried to loop through every page and pluck the dates from the structure to then loop through this array and only add unique dates to a new array like so:

$events = $site->find('performances', 'workshops')->children();
$uniqueDates = [];

foreach($events as $event) {
  $dateStructure = $event->dates()->toStructure();
  $dates = $dateStructure->pluck('date');

  foreach($dates as $date) {
    if(!in_array($date, $uniqueDates)) {
      $uniqueDates[] = $date;

But if I var_dump($uniqueDates) it doesn’t filter the reoccurring dates. I am pretty sure it has to do with the fact, that I store a kirby field in that array that is unique even though it has the same content, but I don’t want to just store a string, since I want to work with the date in different formats later on.

What would be the best way to do this?

You can still use PHP’s date methods to create different date format from a string, so I’d just pluck the strings.

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Yes, that would probably be the easiest! Thank you :slight_smile: