actually I’m not using columns but my code is based on the suggestion in the blog article Columns in Kirbytext. The difference is I only need a start/end point but no mid delimiters (+++
). So my first attempt was this (I use extra
instead of columns
kirbytext::$pre[] = function($kirbytext, $text) {
$text = preg_replace_callback('!\(extra(…|\.{3})\)(.*)\((…|\.{3})extra\)!is', function($matches) use($kirbytext) {
$content = $matches[2];
return '<div class="extratext-wrapper"><div class="extratext-label"></div><div class="extratext-text">' . kirbytext($content) . '</div></div>';
}, $text);
return $text;
This worked fine except when using more than one pair of (extra…)(…extra)
Normal text
(extra…)Extra Text(…extra) // <---
// | is parsed
Normal Text // | as one
// | block
(extra…)Extra Text(…extra) // <---
Normal Text
In that case anything between the first (extra…)
and the last (…extra)
is $content
, i.e. there is only one extra text box on the page.
To improve this I separated the search for begin and end in two steps, made the filter post instead of pre and added some more code to remove <br>
tags and move <p>
tags to the right position:
kirbytext::$post[] = function($kirbytext, $text) {
$text = preg_replace_callback('!(<p>)?\s*\(extra(…|\.{3})\)\s*(<br>|<br />)?!i', function($matches) use($kirbytext) {
return '<div class="extratext-wrapper"><div class="extratext-label"></div><div class="extratext-text"><p>';
}, $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback('!(<br>|<br />)?\s*\((…|\.{3})extra\)\s*(<br>|<br />)?\s*(</p>)?\s*(<br>|<br />)?!i', function($matches) use($kirbytext) {
return '</p></div></div>';
}, $text);
return $text;
Although it works it feels like a bad hack/workaround for an easy problem. Could anyone provide a more elegant solution?
Thanks in advance!